Kodak vollenda 620
Kodak vollenda 620

In this way it is possible to photograph oneself without the aid of a second party. I guessed the exposure and fails to frame with the Vollendas mini mirror viewfinder. After I got a bag of expired 120 rollfilm I bought a Kodak Vollenda 620 and managed to fit the 120 film in this 620 film camera. The device releases the shutter about 1012 seconds after it has been set. Kodak Vollenda 620 - Agfa Portrait 160 - Dsseldorf, 2014. This would appear to be a misnomer as I have been unable to find mention of this name on any of these cameras or their packaging. The 'Kodak Vollenda 620' is equipped with a 'Compur' Shutter (Fig. Some publications refer to Kodak Pliant cameras produced in France in the late 1940's and early to mid 1950's. See the hints'n'tips-section for details. Kodak finally stopped manufacturing 620 film in the mid-1990's, but with a little bit of effort, 120 film can be used in 620 cameras, as the film is the same, only the spools differ. The Brownie Reflex 20 was probably the last 620-film camera to be made by Kodak. 620 film continued in favour until the 1960's, when the introduction of the cartridge-loading Instamatics meant the general public no longer had to struggle to load rollfilm into their snapshot cameras. in the UK manufactured a few models in the 1950's and '60's. Kodak introduced 620 film in 1931 with the US model of the Six-20 Kodak and at almost the same time stopped producing cameras taking 120 film, a situation that continued until Kodak Ltd. It is based on the 'Sunny 16' rule.įilm is so forgiving and will produce acceptable results even when overexposed by 2 or 3 stops or underexposed by 1 stop.K o d a k 6 2 0 r o l l f i l m c a m e r a s If you don't want to bother with an exposure meter, follow the guide shown, using shutter speeds are 1/25s, 1/50s and 1/100s only. It is possible to cut down a spool of 120 film to fit or to re-spool some 120 film onto 620 spools in a darkroom or changing bag. Do not use 120 film in this camera because it will jam and may snap. The 620 spools are slightly shorter and have a smaller diameter. Although the actual film is the same as 120 film, the spools are different. This camera takes 620 film which is still available from selected photographic outlets. Kodak Kodar Anastigmat f/6.3: 1935-1936 : Kodak shutter.Kodak Kodar Anastigmat f/4.5: 1935-1936 : Kodak 4s S or 8S shutter Compur shutter.Kodak Anastigmat f/4.5: 1934 - 1939: Compur S shutter.Several lens and shutter combinations were available. The first version of this camera appeared in 1934 but it had nickel trim rather than chrome and a frame finder rather than the optical finder. Film advance is indicated by red window and is not coupled to shutter so double exposure is possible. It has both a brilliant finder on the lens plate and a direct optical finder on the body. The metal body is covered in leather and it has leather bellows. It has a delayed action setting giving a delay of about 10-12 seconds. It has a rim-set Compur shutter with speeds 1 - 1/250s, B, T. Type: Folding camera Manufacturer: Kodak Years of launch: 1934-1939 Lens: Kodak Anastigmat 10.5cm Film/framesize: Roll film (size 620) Shutter: Compur T, B, 1-1/250 Aperture: f/4.5-f/22 Links. It has a variable focus and will focus down to 3 feet. The Kodak Vollenda 620 is a folding camera for the type 620 film. The iris diaphragm gives a range of f/4.5 to f/32. It has a f/4.5, 105 mm Kodak Anastigmat lens. The Vollenda 620 is a self erecting folding rollfilm camera that takes 8, 2½ x 3¼ inch exposures on 620 rollfilm. Chrome winder, tripod boss and film door latch.Concentric stepped circles on front door release.Concentric stepped circles on spool centres.Body leatherette embossed with linear pattern.Black & chrome struts with vertical and horizontal embossed pattern.The scale on the Kodak Special Six-16 is marked 4, 5, 6, S, 10, 15, 25 and 50 feet, and INF. The scale of the Kodak Special Six-20 is marked for 3.5, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 15, 25 and 50 feet, and INF. Geometric black and chrome faceplate design. Kodak may be focused are engraved on the beveled edge of the lens mount.Produced during the main Art Deco period.

Kodak vollenda 620